What You Can Learn from Trump's "Twitter War"

By Wayne Mulligan, on Thursday, May 28, 2020

Today, the President is expected to issue an unprecedented executive order targeting the country’s top social media companies.

The order will instruct the Department of Justice to investigate these companies for unfair censorship.

Regardless of how you feel about this issue, and regardless of what you may think of social media companies…

This story provides us with some valuable lessons…

For individuals who strive to be informed…

And for investors seeking new sources of information — and wealth.

Trump… Silenced?

The President often complains about bias in the mainstream media…

His method of “combating” this bias is to reach the public through social media — especially through his 80 million+ Twitter following.

But earlier this week, Twitter did something new to the President’s messages:

It appended a note to the bottom of his tweet indicating that it might contain inaccurate or misleading information. Here’s a screen shot:

But is this truly censorship?

After all, Twitter didn’t modify his message, or remove it.

That said, the small link does lead viewers to a separate page — a page that reviews the counter arguments to Trump’s claim.

But is this a bad thing?


I’m not a fan of platforms like Twitter or Facebook.

Especially because Crowdability has occasionally truly been censored by them. But that’s what happens when you’re (proudly) not a “mainstream” media company.

You see, we often write about ideas that are considered too “contrarian” or “outlandish” by the Internet gatekeepers at Google, Twitter and Facebook.

But when our content is called into question, a tiny “fact check” link isn’t added to our messaging…

Instead, our content is removed. After all, we’re not the President.

But we don’t stomp our feet about it.

Instead, through this newsletter, we try to create a direct relationship with readers like you — readers who are looking for novel new ways to earn outsized returns.

So, we’ll gladly take a “fact check” link over outright removal any day.

But for you and the American public, there’s a bigger issue here…

More Information is Better Information

If anyone can use these platforms to broadcast an idea to billions of people…

What’s to prevent them from spreading false information?

Shouldn’t companies like Facebook and Twitter do something to protect people?

In my opinion, they should. But censoring content is not the answer.

We believe people should have access to more information, not less.

You just need a framework — a way to synthesize information so you can form your own conclusions.

And this is why I don’t believe Twitter did anything wrong here. It simply presented Trump’s followers with more information.

And hopefully, that information will allow them to form a more complete opinion.

This isn’t censorship. This is giving people the freedom to make decisions on their own.

The thing is, the same decision-making process applies to investing, too.

No Such Thing as “Inside Information”

In the early 1900s, it was perfectly legal for investors to trade on “inside information.”

Those who had access to it earned amazing returns. Those who didn’t got the table scraps.

But today, not only is it illegal to trade on inside information, but it’s almost impossible to do successfully. You see, thanks to the Internet, almost every corner of the market is covered around the clock by news organizations and independent researchers like us.

Information has become a commodity. As long as you’re online, you can get access to it.

In today’s world, what’s important is how you choose to process that information.

In other words, it’s the framework you use to help you synthesize information and make a good decision — whether it’s a political decision or an investing decision.

Your framework will determine how good your decision is, and how much money you’ll make.

Download Our Frameworks for Free

Which is why, ever since we started Crowdability, we’ve made our investing frameworks available for free.

We want you and the other 100,000+ people who’ve subscribed to our newsletter to know exactly how and why we make forecasts.

We’ve also made it clear that we make our forecasts and predictions independently

We do NOT accept compensation of any kind from the companies we write about.

Our analysis is 100% unbiased.

It may not always turn out to be right, but by giving you access to:

  1. More information, not less…
  2. Independent, unbiased advice…
  3. Our investing frameworks…

Not only will you have the chance to earn extraordinary returns through our investment ideas…

But you’ll be able to take it in stride when some don’t pan out perfectly.

So, if you haven’t done so already, take a look at some of our most important investing lessons and frameworks here »

Happy investing!

Best Regards,



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Tags: Donald trump Twitter

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